Friday, 29 April 2011

green computing

GREEN COMPUTING: is the art of utilizing computing resource in an efficient and eco-friendly manner. Green computing is one of the latest fads in the digital domain.
The manufacturing industries contributes directly to pollution, where as the IT industries have a hidden impact an environmental pollution caused by unconscious  consumption of power (electricity) and inefficient use of hardware devices. Hence, the supreme mottos of green computing are exploring the resource and find a solution to this indirect adverse effect on environment….

Environmental pollution is an inevitable phenomenon in  a global perspective in this era of industrialization given the unbelievable scientific and technological advances made over the last two centuries. Every year, tens of million of various types of chemical products are manufactured for commercial industrial, agricultural military, household and personal use. It is estimated that around hundred million different types of toxic and hardzardous products are used by U.S industries every year. It is these chemical and their by products that contaminate our air, soil, stems, oceans and underground water supplies as well as damage our food and health.
Healthy life needs safe environment and availability of harmless products. Now a days getting a products without destroying the environment before or after using the products is found to be rare and difficult. Environmental protection has become a fertile source of laws- international, European and national since, the U.N sponsored the Stockholm conference of  1972  and it’s deceleration  and action –programmed for the human environment numerous conventions between states which turn out to be geographically interdependent have been hammered out, a few before but most since that date covering such matter as prevention of the pollution of  the yeas in general or common rivers the reduction of air  pollution and lately  these safeguarding of flora and fauna. Everyday the man creates new process and materials whose properties are not fully know and are sometimes toxic to him and the environment. In India many programmers are organized by welfare associations of the negative impact on using plastic frequently. But till date many products available with non degradable plastics is unfortunate. Supplying of consumer products with zero effect on environmental issues is the need of hour.

History of green computing
In the late 1980s and the yearly 1900s the term green marketing came into existence with retaliated to companies’ competitiveness and use the competitive edge in the market place. The term green computing includes the meaning of “cleanness environment”
 According to America marketing association “green marketing is the marketing is marketing of products that are presumed to e environmentally safe”
The green marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchanges intended to satisfaction of those needs and wants occur with minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment

Need of green market in India:
The head quarters in India New Delhi was being polluted at a very fast place unstill the supreme court of India forced a change to alternatively fuels. in many states problem of pollution exists due to short comings in the follow up measures adopted by the authorities to prevent the situation, through  there are so many legal formalities fulfilled by polluting agencies.
At this juncture it is the duty to protect the environment basically with the help of green products. The world and our environment. The next move of India is watched by all other countries in the world.
How to get greenness:
To achieve marketing business house has to take steps towards greenness’ by marketing changes in the process of management system and products. The experts in green marketing recommended three different ways to be fooled by the business houses to take steps towards greenness they are
1.      green initiatives include changes in the value addition process
2.      changes in  the products of modification of inputs
3.      changes in the management system
Changes in the value addition process would include introduction   of new technology for production, or modification of existing methods of production to reduce there environment impact. Firms can also establish and ensure implementation of management systems designed to promote environmental health and safety norms, thus atlas copco in the India claims to use safer compressor condensate dispel practices including a steps that removes oil from  the water that is  discharged into rivers.
In India the government has introduced the eco-mark schemes scinc 1981

with the following objectives:

To provided incentives to manufactures and importers to reduce adverse environmental impact of products
To reward genuine initiatives by companies to reduce adverse environmental impact of products.
To assist consumer to become environmentally responsible in their daily lives by providing them information to take account of environmental factors in there daily lives
To encourage citizens to purchase products with have less environmental impact?
Ultimately, to improve the quality of environment and encourage the sustainable management of resources.
The criteria followed for the eco-mark scheme in India is founded on the ‘cradle to grave approach’ that I s form the raw material extracting to manufacturing and to disposal. To date, final criteria for 16 products categories including soaps and detergents, paper, food items in packing materials has been declared.
It Is the time to get more safe and secure future environmental impact in all activities of the market. so the policy makers of our  country have  to take  immediate by  issuing  direction  to all industries to use  environmentally friendly  raw materials too get green products and services. For example all means of transport system in India need to use CNG(compressed natural gas) to curb pollution and SSI units may be advised to avoid  using non degradable plastics.

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